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Why do we change the clocks? - BBC News
Around the world, countries have been changing the clocks for more than a century. But hitting that snooze button when we lose an hour in bed frustrates many people. So why do we change the clocks? And is it finally time to stop doing it? Frankie McCamley explains the history behind changing the clocks, who came up with the idea, how it’s changed over the years and what could happen in the future.... There’s some politics involved, decent tunes, a cannon being fired and an interesting golfing technique from Phoebe! Also, if you fancy doing some reading of your own, here are some links to lots more information below. Tick....tock! FURTHER READING LINKS: UK Clock changes - Roundup on clocks - Clocks history - Clock changes - Time Zones - Please subscribe HERE
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Around the world, countries have been changing the clocks for more than a century. But hitting that snooze button when we lose an hour in bed frustrates many people. So why do we change the clocks? And is it finally time to stop doing it? Frankie McCamley explains the history behind changing the clocks, who came up with the idea, how it’s changed over the years and what could happen in the future.... There’s some politics involved, decent tunes, a cannon being fired and an interesting golfing technique from Phoebe! Also, if you fancy doing some reading of your own, here are some links to lots more information below. Tick....tock! FURTHER READING LINKS: UK Clock changes - Roundup on clocks - Clocks history - Clock changes - Time Zones - Please subscribe HERE
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